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當遇到 Consilia 任務做不完且累積時,以往只有兩種處理方式:
1. 將新舊進度全部往後延遲一天。
2. 手動重新安排所有進度。
然而,現在 Consilia 提供更智慧且方便的解決方法,讓您能夠輕鬆一鍵處理【過期的複習進度】和【過期的初始新進度相關群組】。下面是使用步驟:
1. 在主畫面上,選擇當天的日期。只有在當天有出現【已過期】的任務時,才能啟用這個功能的按鈕。
2. 在進行任何操作前,先備份目前的狀態。然後點擊功能表上的【重整已過期的任務】。
3. 會彈出一個確認對話框,您需要選擇要重新安排的【過期的複習與初始新進度相關群組】的期間。
1. 這個功能僅會處理【過期的複習進度】和【過期的初始新進度相關群組】。具體來說:
- 過期的複習進度:只有在今日以前(不包含今日)的【過期智慧重複任務】才會被重新安排到您指定的期間。【固定重複的任務】和【不重複的單一任務】不受影響。
- 過期的初始新進度相關群組:如果有過期的初始任務(即連一次都未開始的進度)在今日以前(不包含今日),該群組內的初始任務(通常由計畫助手產生)將被重新安排到您指定的期間。若無過期的新任務,則原本的新任務進度不受影響。
2. 如果在回復備份後遇到畫面無法正常顯示或回復到原定時間,請嘗試關閉應用程式後重新開啟。
When faced with unfinished and accumulating Consilia tasks, there used to be two ways to handle the situation:
1. Delay all current and upcoming tasks by one day.
2. Manually rearrange all schedules.
However, Consilia now offers a smarter and more convenient solution. You can now easily handle "Overdue Review Tasks" and "Overdue Initial New Tasks Groups" with a single click. Here's how:
1. On the main screen, select the current date. This feature will only be enabled if there are any "Overdue" tasks for that day.
2. Before making any changes, back up your current state. Then, click on "Reorganize Overdue Tasks" in the menu.
3. A confirmation dialog will appear, allowing you to choose the time frame for rescheduling the "Overdue Review and Initial New Tasks Groups".
Please note:
1. This feature only handles "Overdue Review Tasks" and "Overdue Initial New Tasks Groups". Specifically:
- Overdue Review Progress: Only "Overdue Smart Repeat Tasks" prior to today (excluding today) will be rescheduled to the specified time frame. "Fixed Repeat Tasks" and "Non-Repeating Single Tasks" are not affected.
- Overdue Initial New Tasks Groups: If there are any overdue initial tasks (tasks that haven't been started yet) prior to today (excluding today) within the group, the initial tasks (usually generated by the planning assistant) will be rescheduled to the specified time frame. If there are no overdue new tasks, the original new task progress remains unaffected.
2. If you encounter any display issues or the timeline doesn't revert to the original time after restoring the backup, try closing and reopening the application.