A study plan for an exam will fail, usually for two reasons:
1. The amount drawn up in the plan exceeds the range that I can digest.
2. Delays due to emergencies.
In general, there is not enough time. The solution is:
1. Adjust your schedule. Reading is physical work, and if you want to read quickly, you must have the sufficient physical strength and a clear mind.
2. Choose practice materials carefully. Knowing that there is not enough time, it is impossible for us to read heavy textbooks slowly from the beginning. A better way is to quickly scan the chapter-by-chapter question bank, master the key knowledge points and possible question types of each chapter, and then check the textbook after brushing.
There are three things Consilia can do for you during test prep:
1. Let you know what to read today.
2. Lets you know how much time you spend each day.
3. Adjust your plan at any time.
Don't talk nonsense, let's actually practice it once.
1. How to arrange a new project (with English subtitles):
2. How to adjust the plan (with English subtitles):
By the way, let me make a digression, first of all, I would like to thank some netizens for reminding me to pay attention to the content of Consilia's privacy policy. I have discarded the previously problematic privacy policy statement, and now I have replaced it with a concise version. Thank you very much.
Again, Consilia will never collect and save any personal information about you.
English | 正體中文 【專注模式】 專注模式是為了讓您完全利用蕃茄鐘的工作休息規律,連續衝刺處理所有的工作。為了因應這樣的改變,蕃茄鐘的功能作了以下的改變(同時敘述【專注模式】的特色): 1. 在【一般模式】與【專注模式】當中,當蕃茄鐘正在倒數計時,並將任務設定為【完成】的同時,花費的時間會直接紀錄在該次完成的任務裏。 2. 在【專注模式】當中,切換與完成任務皆 不會 重置時間,這是跟【一般模式】最大的不同。比如說,蕃茄鐘預設為工作25分鐘然後休息5分鐘,我們花了17分鐘寫完一份英文作文之後,您可以從17分鐘的地方開始,繼續寫數學題目。直到讀了25分鐘的書,Consilia會提醒您從椅子上起來休息喝水。 3. 承上,在【專注模式】中,切換群組任務或切換清單,都會暫停並直接儲存計時。您不需要把一整個群組任務都做完,才能切換去做其他的工作。 4. 在【專注模式】中,一個群組一次只會顯示一樣任務,做完該任務才會顯示下一個。任務的先後次序按照遺忘難易度來排序。 5. 【專注模式】只有倒數計時的番茄鐘,沒有碼錶。 6. 您可以在【設定】頁面上啟用 "[專注模式]滑動即完成" 的選項,該選項一旦啟用,只要滑動任務面板就能立即完成任務(僅限【專注模式】有效)。 7. 【專注模式】的蕃茄鐘,在工作與休息時間切換的時候,一樣會跳出提醒視窗,這一點跟【一般模式】一樣。不同的是,【專注模式】的提醒視窗會直接儲存時間。 雖然上面寫了很多,但您所要做的其實很簡單:進入【專注模式】後,先點選您要開始的群組,然後開始計時,這跟過去所做的沒有太大的不同。比較大的改變是,【專注模式】是以人為本的使用流程,您可以在設定的25分鐘裡盡情衝刺,不用去想「我在這椅子上讀了多久的書?」、「是不是該休息了?」。只要讀完了這個部分就滑掉,立刻進行下一個任務。該起來休息喝個水的時候,Consilla就會提醒您。 【Focus Mode】 The focus mode allows you to take full advantage of Pomodoro's work-rest routine and sprint continuously to handle all the work. In response to such changes, the fu...
English | 正體中文 搜尋任務的使用方法: 1. 可針對任務的標題與細節內容作關鍵字的搜尋。 2. 可用半形空白(ASCII space)分隔兩個以上的關鍵字一起搜尋。 3. 如果在主頁面,可點選日曆上的任一天來退出搜尋結果。 4. 如果在計劃總管頁面,可切換任一清單來退出搜尋結果。 5. 您一樣可以針對搜尋出來的任務,做任何修改或移動(可長按任務進入選取模式)。 Instructions for using the search feature: 1. You can search for tasks by keywords in the task title and details. 2. You can use a half-width space(ASCII space) to separate two or more keywords for a combined search. 3. If you are on the main page, you can click on any day in the calendar to exit the search results. 4. If you are on the plans manager page, you can switch to any list to exit the search results. 5. You can also make any changes or move tasks that appear in the search results (long-press on a task to enter selection mode).