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1. 在【一般模式】與【專注模式】當中,當蕃茄鐘正在倒數計時,並將任務設定為【完成】的同時,花費的時間會直接紀錄在該次完成的任務裏。
2. 在【專注模式】當中,切換與完成任務皆不會重置時間,這是跟【一般模式】最大的不同。比如說,蕃茄鐘預設為工作25分鐘然後休息5分鐘,我們花了17分鐘寫完一份英文作文之後,您可以從17分鐘的地方開始,繼續寫數學題目。直到讀了25分鐘的書,Consilia會提醒您從椅子上起來休息喝水。
3. 承上,在【專注模式】中,切換群組任務或切換清單,都會暫停並直接儲存計時。您不需要把一整個群組任務都做完,才能切換去做其他的工作。
4. 在【專注模式】中,一個群組一次只會顯示一樣任務,做完該任務才會顯示下一個。任務的先後次序按照遺忘難易度來排序。
5. 【專注模式】只有倒數計時的番茄鐘,沒有碼錶。
6. 您可以在【設定】頁面上啟用 "[專注模式]滑動即完成" 的選項,該選項一旦啟用,只要滑動任務面板就能立即完成任務(僅限【專注模式】有效)。
7. 【專注模式】的蕃茄鐘,在工作與休息時間切換的時候,一樣會跳出提醒視窗,這一點跟【一般模式】一樣。不同的是,【專注模式】的提醒視窗會直接儲存時間。
【Focus Mode】
The focus mode allows you to take full advantage of Pomodoro's work-rest routine and sprint continuously to handle all the work. In response to such changes, the functions of the Pomodoro have been changed as follows (while describing the features of [Focus Mode]):
1. In [Normal Mode] and [Focus Mode], when the Pomodoro is counting down and the task is set to [Complete], the time spent will be directly recorded in the completed task.
2. In [Focus Mode], switching and completing tasks will not reset the time, which is the biggest difference from [Normal Mode]. For example, the Pomodoro clock is preset to work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After we spend 17 minutes writing an English composition, you can start from 17 minutes and continue to write math problems. Until you read a book for 25 minutes, Consilia will remind you to get up from the chair, take a break and drink water.
3. Continuing from the above, in [Focus Mode], switching group tasks, or switching lists will pause and save the timing directly. You don't need to complete a whole group of tasks before you can switch to other tasks.
4. In [Focus Mode], a group will only display one task at a time, and the next task will be displayed after completing the task. The order of tasks is sorted according to the difficulty of forgetting.
5. [Focus Mode] Only the countdown Pomodoro, no stopwatch.
6. You can enable the "[Focus Mode] Swipe to Complete" option on the [Settings] page. Once this option is enabled, you can complete the task immediately by swiping the task panel (only available in [Focus Mode]).
7. The Pomodoro in [Focus Mode] will also pop up a reminder window when switching between work and rest time, which is the same as [Normal Mode]. The difference is that the reminder window of [Focus Mode] will directly store the time.
Although there is a lot written above, what you have to do is actually very simple: After entering the [Focus Mode], first, tap on the group you want to start, and then begin timing, which is not much different from what you have done in the past. The significant change is that [Focus Mode] is a people-oriented use process, you can sprint as much as you want in the set 25 minutes, without thinking "How long have I been reading in this chair?", "Should I take a break?". As soon as you finish reading this part, slide it off and move on to the next task immediately. When it's time to take a break and drink water, Consilla will remind you.