Wrong questions, that is, questions that I am not familiar with or do not understand. There are also various ways to sort out the wrong question books. There are photocopying and pasting, photo OCR, and direct copying by hand. Everyone shows their talents. But I won’t talk about how to make notes here, because Consilia is not a note-taking app, and before the basic concepts of the book content are mastered, it is meaningless to rush to make a wrong question book. As Lin Haier, who recommended using the wrong question book for review, said, "The wrong question book is more suitable for students with average grades and above", and "The key point of doing the wrong question book is to avoid making the same mistakes yourself." It's just a process rather than a result. The result is whether the learning is understood or not, and whether it can be reflected in the grades.
The point here is that instead of spending a lot of time sorting out notes or wrong question books, and then putting them aside to read before the exam, it is better to spend time on strengthening these error-prone parts (must be To review before forgetting), and finally spend a little more time before the exam to sort out the contents of several large sheets of paper as the most essential notes.
First of all, make sure that you have understood how to use the [Plans Manager] to arrange the schedule and understand the priority of review. I believe you should also know that when Consilia completes each task, a dialog window will pop up to ask you to evaluate your familiarity with the task, and Consilia will automatically schedule the next review time for that task based on your self-assessment (recognized, vague, or forgotten).
At this time, some users will definitely ask: The progress arranged by the [Plans Manager] may be a task of 20 or 30 questions, or a task of more than ten pages. If there are difficulties and difficulties, how should we evaluate whether this progress is [cognitive], [vague], or [forgotten]?
【Assessment proficiency】
Here is an explanation of what is [cognitive], [vague], and [forgotten]. The so-called [cognitive] means that the answer is written correctly, and you also know what the test points are (in the first and second review, it is not necessarily required to be perfect and understand the test points, just a little concept at the beginning). As for [vague], it means guessing right but not sure, or having an impression but guessing wrong, or carelessly writing wrong or calculating wrongly. [forgotten] means that the answer is wrong and you don't understand what concept the question is testing.
Since Consilia is designed from top to bottom by splitting large progress into small tasks to break through one by one, each small task (or each task progress) may contain several pages or several topics. In principle, a correct rate of more than 90% is classified as [cognitive], 90% to 75% can be classified as [vague], and less than 75% should be classified as [forgotten].
[Derive task progress]
Then the problem comes again, if there are 20 questions in the progress of a divided task, most of them are very simple, but there are two questions that are particularly difficult, and you need to strengthen your review to remember them. If I set the whole task to [vague] for those two questions, it would be a waste of time to increase the number of reviews. But if I set the whole progress as [cognitive], but every time I review, I just can’t remember the two questions, what should I do?
Before launching the function of [Derive task progress] (hereinafter nicknamed raw chicken), for the special problems in the task progress, the recommended method is to record the page number and question number in another notebook, and then arrange a new task Progress and review, or create new tasks directly. But now Consilia has the function of making the task give birth to chickens, so you don't have to worry about it.
Let me briefly introduce how to give birth to chickens: I believe that most people will put a tick or star on the question number when they encounter wrong questions or problems. For more difficult questions, put two or three ticks. Consilia conforms to this habit, and by using the function of [Derive task progress], you can separate the ticked questions from the original task, and each has its own review rules.
At the same time, the difficult/wrong questions that were divided for the first time can of course be divided for the second time. If you continue to divide in this way, the wrong notes that really belong to you will gradually emerge.
Therefore, using Consilia to arrange a reading plan is not only required to finish it every day but also to find a way to review it quickly. The secret to reviewing quickly is that the less familiar you are, the sooner you should review it, that is, you must review it before you forget it so that you can effectively shorten the reading time. The following video will introduce how to use [Derive task progress]:
Many people may already know it, but I would like to remind you of the key to doing the questions: the first time you do the questions (that is, the tasks with only triangles in front of the task name, not the review with circle numbers), if you see the questions, you will not know how to do it. If you understand (can be classified as [vague] or [forgotten]), please read the answer directly or copy the answer directly, which saves time and avoids accidentally memorizing wrong answers.
Then start the review, which is the beginning of the test. Please don’t think that you will write today after copying the answers yesterday, this is not necessarily the case. As for ticking the questions for the first time or after reviewing? My personal experience is that the topics that I think are very important are not necessarily the same as the topics that cannot be written in the exam. So I will be more inclined to use the results after the test to determine the importance.
In the end, some people may wonder: the originally scheduled progress will be endless, and if additional tasks are derived, will it be even more endless?
Let's think back first, is it still fresh in my memory every time I just finished class? And reviewing while you still have memory, isn't it fast? Consilia uses the principle of the forgetting curve to quickly review before forgetting so that you can get the same review effect in a shorter time than after delaying for several days and forgetting everything.
Therefore, if there is a tick in the book, strike while the iron is hot, give birth to a tick chick first, and see if it is reviewed before going to bed tonight or tomorrow morning. In short, the wrong question is a warning sign that is easy to forget. Since it is easy to forget, we need to increase the number of reviews. If you deal with it before you forget it, you will read faster and read more in the future.
Exams are actually the same as all sports competitions. As long as you can practice solving problems as proficiently and quickly as reflexes, you will be able to beat many competitors in the examination room. But everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, how can you win? Identifying your weaknesses and strengthening them, and reviewing them quickly before you forget them is the most practical way for everyone.
Note: [Derive task progress] function has a limit on the number of times (about a dozen times) in the non-subscribed state.
English | 正體中文 【專注模式】 專注模式是為了讓您完全利用蕃茄鐘的工作休息規律,連續衝刺處理所有的工作。為了因應這樣的改變,蕃茄鐘的功能作了以下的改變(同時敘述【專注模式】的特色): 1. 在【一般模式】與【專注模式】當中,當蕃茄鐘正在倒數計時,並將任務設定為【完成】的同時,花費的時間會直接紀錄在該次完成的任務裏。 2. 在【專注模式】當中,切換與完成任務皆 不會 重置時間,這是跟【一般模式】最大的不同。比如說,蕃茄鐘預設為工作25分鐘然後休息5分鐘,我們花了17分鐘寫完一份英文作文之後,您可以從17分鐘的地方開始,繼續寫數學題目。直到讀了25分鐘的書,Consilia會提醒您從椅子上起來休息喝水。 3. 承上,在【專注模式】中,切換群組任務或切換清單,都會暫停並直接儲存計時。您不需要把一整個群組任務都做完,才能切換去做其他的工作。 4. 在【專注模式】中,一個群組一次只會顯示一樣任務,做完該任務才會顯示下一個。任務的先後次序按照遺忘難易度來排序。 5. 【專注模式】只有倒數計時的番茄鐘,沒有碼錶。 6. 您可以在【設定】頁面上啟用 "[專注模式]滑動即完成" 的選項,該選項一旦啟用,只要滑動任務面板就能立即完成任務(僅限【專注模式】有效)。 7. 【專注模式】的蕃茄鐘,在工作與休息時間切換的時候,一樣會跳出提醒視窗,這一點跟【一般模式】一樣。不同的是,【專注模式】的提醒視窗會直接儲存時間。 雖然上面寫了很多,但您所要做的其實很簡單:進入【專注模式】後,先點選您要開始的群組,然後開始計時,這跟過去所做的沒有太大的不同。比較大的改變是,【專注模式】是以人為本的使用流程,您可以在設定的25分鐘裡盡情衝刺,不用去想「我在這椅子上讀了多久的書?」、「是不是該休息了?」。只要讀完了這個部分就滑掉,立刻進行下一個任務。該起來休息喝個水的時候,Consilla就會提醒您。 【Focus Mode】 The focus mode allows you to take full advantage of Pomodoro's work-rest routine and sprint continuously to handle all the work. In response to such changes, the fu...
English | 正體中文 搜尋任務的使用方法: 1. 可針對任務的標題與細節內容作關鍵字的搜尋。 2. 可用半形空白(ASCII space)分隔兩個以上的關鍵字一起搜尋。 3. 如果在主頁面,可點選日曆上的任一天來退出搜尋結果。 4. 如果在計劃總管頁面,可切換任一清單來退出搜尋結果。 5. 您一樣可以針對搜尋出來的任務,做任何修改或移動(可長按任務進入選取模式)。 Instructions for using the search feature: 1. You can search for tasks by keywords in the task title and details. 2. You can use a half-width space(ASCII space) to separate two or more keywords for a combined search. 3. If you are on the main page, you can click on any day in the calendar to exit the search results. 4. If you are on the plans manager page, you can switch to any list to exit the search results. 5. You can also make any changes or move tasks that appear in the search results (long-press on a task to enter selection mode).
English | 正體中文 圖片來源:albertogp123@Flickr 2023/02/09新增管理小工具: Consilia新功能:調整計劃表的簡化步驟 2023/07/08新增更方便的重整功能: Consilia 新功能:重整已過期的未完任務 考試的複習計畫會失敗,通常原因有二: 1. 計畫所擬定的數量超出自己能消化的範圍。 2. 突發事件而導致延宕。 總的來說,就是時間不夠。解決的辦法是: 1. 調整作息。唸書是個體力活,想要看得快就必須要有充足的體力與清醒的大腦。 2. 慎選練習教材。知道時間不夠了,我們就不可能還拿厚重的課本從頭慢慢啃。較好的一種作法是,先速刷分章題庫,掌握好各章的骨幹知識點與能出的題型,刷後再去查課本。 Consilia 在備考階段能為您做的事情有三: 1. 讓您知道今天應該讀什麼。 2. 讓您知道每天要花多少時間。 3. 任何時候都可以調整您的計畫。 不說廢話,我們實際來演練一次。 1. 如何安排新計畫(有中文字幕): 2. 如何調整計畫(有中文字幕): Google Play 下載: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.claberi.consilia 對了說個題外話,先謝謝某些網友提醒我注意 Consilia 隱私權政策的內文,之前那張問題多多的隱私權政策說明文已經被我丟棄了,現在換上簡潔的版本。很謝謝大家。 再次強調, Consilia 完全不會去收集保存您的任何個人資訊。 2023/02/09 New management widget: https://consilia-claberi.blogspot.com/2023/02/consilia.html 2023/07/08 New more convenient reorganizing function: https://consilia-claberi.blogspot.com/2023/07/consilia.html A study plan for an exam will fail, usually for two reasons: 1. The amount drawn up in the plan exceeds the range that I can digest....