
目前顯示的是 9月, 2023的文章

Consilia 小介紹:搜尋任務

English | 正體中文 搜尋任務的使用方法: 1. 可針對任務的標題與細節內容作關鍵字的搜尋。 2. 可用半形空白(ASCII space)分隔兩個以上的關鍵字一起搜尋。 3. 如果在主頁面,可點選日曆上的任一天來退出搜尋結果。 4. 如果在計劃總管頁面,可切換任一清單來退出搜尋結果。 5. 您一樣可以針對搜尋出來的任務,做任何修改或移動(可長按任務進入選取模式)。 Instructions for using the search feature: 1. You can search for tasks by keywords in the task title and details. 2. You can use a half-width space(ASCII space) to separate two or more keywords for a combined search. 3. If you are on the main page, you can click on any day in the calendar to exit the search results. 4. If you are on the plans manager page, you can switch to any list to exit the search results. 5. You can also make any changes or move tasks that appear in the search results (long-press on a task to enter selection mode).